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Running to The Beat: Match Your Cadence to Your Playlist

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

As runners, we constantly seek ways to optimize our performance and enhance our running experience. Running cadence is one way you can decrease incidence of injury while improving your performance.

Running cadence is typically measured by the number of steps taken per minute (SPM). The optimal cadence for most runners falls within the range of 170 to 180 SPM. This metric can be easily tracked by most running watches. Maintaining a higher cadence is associated with reduced ground contact time, enhanced running efficiency, and decreased risk of over striding.

Increase Cadence Slowly

The number one mistake people make when modifying their cadence is to increase their cadence too quickly. Achieving an optimal cadence requires a gradual adjustment to your natural running stride if you want to be successful.

Before you can change your cadence, you have to know what it is, so pay attention to what your watch says or you can count it yourself by counting how many times one of your feet hits the ground in 1 minute and multiply it by two. Not every run is the same so track your cadence for a week.

Once you know what your cadence typically is, it is important that you do not increase your cadence too quickly. If you increase it by more than 5-10%, you will invite injury and you might feel like you are running like Phoebe on Friends.

Consistent practice is key to ingraining a new cadence pattern into your running technique. Start by incorporating short intervals of increased cadence into your runs either at the beginning, middle, or end of the run.

Run to a Beat

  • Use a Metronome: Utilize a metronome app or smartphone to set a specific beat per minute (BPM) and synchronize your footstrikes with each beat. This can get annoying quickly, so you may want to use it for short periods of time or play the metronome behind your music.

  • Create a playlist: When selecting songs for your running playlist, aim for tracks with BPM matching your desired cadence. Upbeat and lively tunes can help you stay on pace and elevate your overall running experience.

  • Use a pre-made playlist: If you aren't sure check out some of the playlists we have created for RUNsource on Spotify!

Incorporating running cadence training and syncing your strides to music can be game-changers in your running journey. By understanding the importance of cadence, gradually increasing it, and leveraging the power of a curated playlist, you can optimize your performance, reduce injury risk, and elevate your overall running experience. So, lace-up your shoes, hit play on your favorite running playlist, and let the beat guide you towards your running goals.

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